ATTENTION: For People Who Are Suffering From Nail Fungus

It’s Time To Finally Deal
With Yellow Nails

Cracked Skin, Itching And Foul Feet
Smell For Good!

All while completely transforming the health of your skin and nails!

All while completely transforming the health of your skin and nails!

*Get Up To 50% Off While Supplies Last!

*Get Up To 50% Off While Supplies Last!

So far thousands of Americans have managed to take control over nail fungus, and look healthy and confident once again.

Verified Purchase

“I bought this for my wife because her toenails have been yellow for a long time. Additionally, they got worse when she wore nail polish. This stuff has nearly cleared them up to a natural white again after 30 years.”

Mitch F, 51- California, USA

Verified Purchase

“This routine has finally cleared a nail fungus I've struggled with since high school. After decades of covering it with acrylic toenails, I decided to attack this at its roots with this method. It worked so well!”

Mary M, 45 - New York, USA

Verified Purchase

“I had an extreme case of nail fungus that I fought for literally years. So I decided to try this formula as a last ditch effort. And to my surprise, it worked almost immediately. It took about 2 months to see very good results. Good riddance.”

John G, 59 - Boston, USA

Each one of them managed to get their lives back with this 3-Minute Shower Routine created by a top doctor that dealt herself with this problem…

Just imagine looking down at your feet to see your nails looking healthy and pink for the first time in months or even years…

The joy you will feel when you will be able to walk around barefoot in the summer…to wear sandals again…
And to finally stop having to disinfect every inch of floor and your shower obsessively, terrified that you might infect your kids or your spouse or your parents.

That’s exactly what this 3-minute shower routine can do for you!

This ‘antifungal shower routine’ has been developed by Dr Kimberly Langdon. With 31 years of experience as an M.D. and numerous patented inventions, she has helped clear nasty, stubborn infections that seemed impossible to treat.

Her inventions have relieved thousands of people of jock itch, helped young mothers get rid of the recurrent diaper rash…and she even created several patented medical devices against disgusting fungi and yeast infections that cause itching and severe rashes.

🦶 Please stop the itchiness! 🦶

🦶 Please stop the itchiness! 🦶

You know how you dread looking at your own nails, constantly fearful of giving fungus to other people in your family… Or the unbearable itchiness that only seems to get worse and spread no matter what you do.

You have forgotten what it’s like to get a good night’s sleep, waking up in the middle of the night with itchy feet.

You hate the repulsive smell of your feet and shoes and live in constant fear that one or more of your toenails could simply come off if you bump it. This nightmare is lived every single day by millions of Americans as 1 in 10 people gets foot fungus and the numbers are growing every single day.

Besides, the fungus will also spread to other areas, causing dangerous infections in the body that can go unnoticed until it is too late. Hospitals are full of patients getting permanent nerve damage or getting their feet amputated, just because they ignored a “simple fungal infection”.

That means it’s only a matter of time until these problems begin to play a bigger role in your life…

Luckily, With THIS, You Can Wave 👋 Goodbye To Your
Nail Fungus Nightmare…

Did you know that…

This 3-Minute Antifungal Shower Routine Can Finally Help Anyone Take Control Of Nail Fungus?

Foot fungus these days is radically different and way stronger than the one your grandparents had to deal with. Decades of people using unnatural, chemical-filled treatments actually created super fungi. So, instead of eliminating them, these chemicals actually made them stronger and more resilient to treatments.

By the time you have gotten through 5 or 6 different treatments, your fungus already knows how to beat the Vick’s cream, clotrimazole, the tea tree oil and whatever else didn’t manage to kill it off.

That is why Dr Kimberly Langdon, an international leading fungal expert, has been shifting her attention to natural, chemical-free solutions that eliminate nail fungus from its roots. In her 31 years of being an M.D., she has helped thousands of people deal with persistent fungal infections in the body.

What pushed her into finding, what is today, the most efficient method to eliminate foot fungus, is the fact that
she was a victim of this nasty infection herself.

“Back in college I had a full tuition swimming scholarship. I was always in the water, swimming and competing. I loved the sport, but I dreaded the horrible look of fungus infected toenails.
As a woman, knowing I could never get the elegant pedicure I wanted or that my partner would look at me and be disgusted by the sight of yellow brittle nails was a nightmare.
And imagine how discouraging it felt when I was constantly applying things on my toenails and trying hard not to forget a single day, only to get it again within weeks of clearing the last one. My life became a cycle of toenail fungus treatments with no end in sight.

Not only did I dread the look of my own nails, but I was constantly fearful of giving it to other people in my family…my loved ones who were nothing but supportive of my passion for swimming. I was terrified the reward for all their love would be a nasty, impossible-to-treat fungus.

I was determined to find a solution. So, I studied, trained and specialized as an M.D. until I became one of the international leading experts on fungal and yeast infections…some of the most annoying and difficult to get rid of parasites that take over the human body.

But it looked like even though me and my team of international experts were researching these parasites more thoroughly than ever, they were becoming harder and harder to treat.

I simply could not understand.

If 30 years ago, tea tree oil helped most people get rid of their fungus…these days only about half will see longer lasting, satisfying results…and the number of people helped by it is growing smaller by the day.
Those foot soaks on Amazon? For every 3 good reviews, you will find two people that struggled and eventually failed in killing off the fungus.

The tea tree nail polish? Only about half of the people using it will see some results.
VapoRub will help only a small percent of those using it. For the rest of them, all of these solutions are a waste of time, money and a constant source of frustration.
After years in the lab, performing countless experiments and going through thousands of studies we were flabbergasted to discover the truth:

The exact treatments that were meant to clear fungus, were making it impossible to kill!

I started wondering…were we getting drug-resistant fungus, just like we were battling drug resistant bacteria? And that’s when I had my big breakthrough! Because the more I looked into it, the more I realized my hunch was correct.

You can think of it now as a sort of mutated super-fungus…more resilient, better able to survive, and in most cases, laughing in the face of your simple tea tree oil infused nail polish.

In fact, scientists from multiple universities are terrified that they are running out of effective treatments to get rid of modern strains of fungus. And fungus is not just a cosmetic problem. Scientific American warns that fungus infections are already putting in danger the lives of 1.6 million people every single year, and we have few tools to fight back.

That’s when I realized…

The solution simply cannot come from throwing even more
dangerous, even stronger chemicals at fungus.

We need to come up with solutions that work naturally, by activating the natural immunity of your skin and helping it fight back against the infection. Just like scientists are trying to find solutions that kill off bacteria naturally by strengthening the body, we needed to do the same with fungus. Find a way to eliminate it naturally, while having the body as our ally.

I, for one, wanted to find an easy routine that will make getting rid of fungus much easier.

So, after thousands of hours of trial and error, working with people of all ages and conditions, and adapting and improving the routine continuously, comparing hundreds of treatments, my team and I finally had something that we knew would work for everybody, no matter what the severity of their infection was and no matter for how long they had had the fungus.

That’s how I came up with the "Antifungal Shower
Routine" - The easiest fungus treatment ever.

This antifungal routine starts with a shower or a foot rinse. It is important that your shower or rinse is longer than three minutes, because this will soften the nails and open up the pores, so that the roots of the fungus can be attacked. While you take your shower you can even exfoliate your toes with a small nail brush to make sure the roots of the fungus are even more exposed.

This routine should be easy enough to do and is way more suitable for most people rather than sitting around with your feet soaked for 30 minutes every day.

Then you just have to apply this formula of 100% all-natural and unique ingredients, the ultimate mixture that’s been clinically proven to support the health of your nails and skin!

You will step out of the shower and effortlessly apply the formula to all of your affected toenails. It is the easiest thing you will ever do, because it comes with a specially designed applicator that will make sure the oils and vitamins in the formula get to all the affected areas…without making a big mess and without leaving your feet greasy.”

Just look at the entire list of super ingredients…

Clove Bud Oil

  • Helps prevent fungus
  • Protects against infections
  • Supports healthy nails

Lavender Oil

  • Protects nail keratin
  • Supports the nails and skin
  • Fights against strong fungus

Proprietary Blend of 9
Oils and Minerals

  • Undecylenic Acid: fights against fungus
  • Almond Oil: moisturizes and soothes
  • Camphor Oil: strong antifungal properties
  • Tea Tree Oil: well-known antifungal
  • Aloe Vera: helps soothe itchiness
  • Menthol: cools down the skin
  • Walnut Oil: strong antioxidant properties
  • Chia Seed Oil: rich in Omega 3
  • Vitamin E: moisturizes and supports skin health

Manuka Oil

  • Rich in Triketones
  • Strong antifungal
  • Acts skin-deep

Organic Flaxseed Oil

  • Boosts skin’s natural immunity
  • Helps with inflammation
  • Superfood for your skin

Clove Bud Oil

  • Helps prevent fungus
  • Protects against infections
  • Supports healthy nails

Lavender Oil

  • Protects nail keratin
  • Supports the nails and skin
  • Fights against strong fungus

Manuka Oil

  • Rich in Triketones
  • Strong antifungal
  • Acts skin-deep

Organic Flaxseed Oil

  • Boosts skin’s natural immunity
  • Helps with inflammation
  • Superfood for your skin

Proprietary Blend of 9
Oils and Minerals

  • Undecylenic Acid: fights against fungus
  • Almond Oil: moisturizes and soothes
  • Camphor Oil: strong antifungal properties
  • Tea Tree Oil: well-known antifungal
  • Aloe Vera: helps soothe itchiness
  • Menthol: cools down the skin
  • Walnut Oil: strong antioxidant properties
  • Chia Seed Oil: rich in Omega 3
  • Vitamin E: moisturizes and supports skin health

People who have tried this revolutionary formula have reported back how quickly their nails were transforming… how easy it was to keep up with the treatment…and even to remember it in the first place because including it in a daily routine is the only way to make sure you won’t forget even a single day. And all of them are thrilled to know they no longer have to worry about the looks of their toenails when picking shoes for the summer or going to the pool. Not to mention not worrying about infecting their loved ones.

Everyone who tried it had excellent results, but also reported feeling so much more confident, in control of their bodies again, and no longer afraid of other people judging them and being grossed out by the look of their feet.

Seeing so many people reporting excellent results convinced Dr. Kimberly that this formula was the answer to deal with the most stubborn and recurring toenail fungus, and boost the immunity of the skin to help the body fight back against the infection.

With these terrific results, and the amazing feedback the mission was clear: get this formula to as many people as I could.

We called this advanced and unique formula:

The only complete formula that attacks the fungus in multiple ways and gives your skin the necessary tools to fight back.

Wherever you go and whatever you do, these 17 pure maximum-potency ingredients will be working tirelessly to clear every strain of fungus.

You can start using Kerassentials right away and will notice
your nails looking more glossy from the very first application.
This will give you the motivation to keep going, and just
imagine, being completely free of fungus weeks from now.

Every dropper is manufactured in the USA, in our FDA approved and GMP certified facility, under
sterile, strict and precise standards. We are regularly disinfecting the equipment used to process the
ingredients and package our bottles.

Kerassentials is non-GMO and natural.

It does not contain any dangerous stimulants or toxins, and it’s not habit-forming.

Since its release, Kerassentials has provided relief for more than 197,357 men and women.

People like…

Joanne from Michigan

“I never thought I'd ever get rid of this fungus. It is the most annoying medical problem I’ve ever faced. It was so frustrating to see months of discipline and hard work go to waste when the fungus would inevitably reappear. This method from Dr Langdon was the only one that finally got me out of this hopeless cycle of fungus treatments and relapses. For the first time in years, I went for a pedicure, and I cannot tell you the joy of finally seeing my toenails look colorful and healthy.”

Lindsey from New Jersey

“For the first time in 5 years, I took out my open toed pumps…the ones I always used to wear at the office, and went to dinner with my husband. You’d think that getting rid of foot fungus is no big deal, but I can tell you Dr Langdon’s method has made me feel more confident and more beautiful than ever.”

Mark from Pennsylvania

“I didn’t care much about my fungus until my girlfriend Danielle got it from me. To be honest, I thought she was going to kick me to the curb because of it. I was so thrilled that an impulse buy has managed to bring me so much freedom. I am so grateful to Dr Langdon for creating this easy to use solution.”

By now, I'm guessing that you're probably ready to try this state-of-the-art solution for yourself.

And you should be. Because Kerassentials is the first scientifically-backed formula that allows you to address the root cause of nail fungus and regain control over your life ultra-fast!

So, with all that in mind, don’t pass up your chance to get your own stockpile of Kerassentials…

Claim Your Discounted Kerassentials
Below While Stocks Last!


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100% Satisfaction 60-Day
Money Back Guarantee

Your order today is covered by our iron-clad 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not impressed with the results, then at any time in the next 60 days write to us and we’ll refund every single cent.

With Kerassentials you’re always guaranteed a
premium, state-of-the-art product that is
clinically tested and used by thousands of
people who now enjoy healthy nails and skin.

We’ve never spared any expense when it came to formulating it, especially since there are only a couple of laboratories in the world that can work with the ingredients with such precision and care that they keep their properties intact so they can do their job.

The bottom line is, quality like this doesn't come cheap.

However, when you compare the price of Kerassentials with tens of formulations containing outdated, generic formulas that barely help…

And given the lack of real solutions for nail fungus, we could easily offer this at a very high price.
And considering the results our customers have seen without having to take toxic medication or go through any dangerous medical procedures, most of them said they would pay it without even blinking.

So today, only on this website and nowhere else, you can get your very own supply of Kerassentials.

We would strongly recommend you use Kerassentials for at least 90 days, just to make sure you completely get rid of nail fungus and do not risk getting infected again.

Claim Your Discounted Kerassentials
Below While Stocks Last!


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With 3-bottle and 6-bottle packages you also get free shipping!

We are 100% confident that you'll love what Kerassentials has in store for you.

Please remember that you won't find us anywhere else.

We do not sell on Amazon, Ebay, Etsy or any other website. The only place where you can order this unique formula that addresses the root cause of nail fungus is right on this page and the page will only be up for as long as we have remaining stock.

If you’re skeptical, we totally understand. You’ve tried a lot of methods, you’ve spent a lot of money, and you’ve gone through so much pain and embarrassment and nothing worked… Yet.

We are so confident that Kerassentials works that we will give you…

Our ironclad 60-day, money-back guarantee

100% Satisfaction
60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Your order today is covered by our iron-clad
60-day 100% money-back guarantee.

If you are not impressed with the results, then at any time in the next 60 days write to us and we’ll refund every single cent.

If you don’t experience any dramatic improvement or you’re not content for any reason whatsoever, we will promptly issue a full, hassle-free refund.

All you need to do is contact us within the first 60 days of your purchase. You can even send back the empty bottles, and we'll still refund your money.

Just get in touch with our friendly customer support staff, and they’ll be happy to assist you.

The contact information is right on the bottle.

This means you have 2 whole months to decide if Kerassentials is for you or not.

Your order today is a one-time payment with no subscription or hidden charges.

I can’t wait for you to experience every single benefit that Kerassentials has to offer!

Still here?


We wanted to take a second and answer the most common questions I get about Kerassentials.

Frequently Asked Questions

It's an extremely potent combination of oils and skin repairing vitamins that you will be applying every day after you shower to eliminate fungus. The clove bud oil in this formula will make sure the fungus can’t multiply, wiping out its spores, and ensuring no new fungus will appear anywhere on your body. The lavender oil will destroy the fungus’s ability to feed itself with the Keratin in your toenails. Organic flaxseed will get your nails growing back and regrowing themselves immediately. The formula will boost the immunity of the skin, making it more difficult for the fungus to grow. Manuka oil, which you’d remember is more powerful than tea tree oil, will attack even the most resistant fungus at its base. The undecylenic acid will make the fungus self-destruct by attacking its membrane. And the rest of the 12 carefully selected ingredients will help your skin immediately start rebuilding after the damage caused by the fungus. Kerassentials is the only complete formula that attacks the fungus in multiple ways and gives your skin the necessary tools to fight back.

I know you are excited to finally rid this annoying fungus, so I can tell that you start noticing improvements immediately. Because your toenails will look more alive. The itchiness will be soothed. And within the first weeks you should be noticing new healthy pink nails growing out to replace the damaged areas. But I can tell you the biggest change will be in your confidence seeing yourself finally beat this thing that has been haunting you for so long.

When you click on any of the packages below and place your order, you will be covered by our full 60 day, 100% money back guarantee. This means if you change your mind at any time, or for any reason at all, you can just email our customer support team and we will refund your entire investment in Kerassentials no questions asked. There is absolutely no risk for you.

Just click on any of the packages you see below this video and place your secure order. Make sure you do it before stock runs out. The 6 bottle package is by far the most popular option because it guarantees you will not run out of Kerassentials during the course of your treatment.

Some patients may experience improvement faster, while others might take longer. Results might vary from individual to individual. Just to have an idea, tests have indicated that supplements take around 9-12 weeks to show results. However, this is not a rule, some people see results faster while others need more time. I recommend you get at least the 3 bottles package to test it properly.

Fill in your payment details on our secure order form, and submit your order.
I can't wait to hear your success story!

Scientific References:

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